Our Approach
The Plain Truth
The Yellow Opioid Safety Card program was born of our work as the publisher of the Journal of Opioid Management and the creators of the International Conference on Opioids. As a Rotarian and two time club President, I decided to utilize the strengths of over 1.3 million Rotarians to get out and battle the opioid death epidemic. It is critical that these Opioid Safety Tips cards get in the hands of our most vulnerable members of society. As a Rotary Outreach project we have printed and distributed over 10,000 cards in the Eastern Mass region.
Our goal is simple. Get this card into every household in the US while having an honest discussion about reducing drug abuse in your communities!
Our Story
Get involved in your community!
Every 18 minutes someone dies of opioid overdose... Dont' wait, Do it now!